Send Reminders To Your Members to Reply

How Letterloop reminds your members to reply and how you can send additional reminders

Letterloop's Reminder System

We send 4 emails asking you and your group to reply:

• Initial prompt to submit a reply

• Reminder 1 - 3 days out

• Reminder 2 - 2 days out

• Reminder 3 - 1 day out

NOTE: Reminders are only sent out if the member hasn't already replied.

Send additional reminders to your group

1. Sign in to your dashboard.

2. Click on your Letterloop listing.

3. Click the ellipsis button (3 horizontal dots) next to the Current Issue.

4. Select “Send Reminders."

This will send reminder emails to any members that haven't yet replied to the Current Issue of your Letterloop.

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