About Our Pricing

Our pricing model and why it benefits you & the community

The first two issues of your Letterloop are free. Afterwards, a single subscription will sponsor your Letterloop on behalf of the entire group and keep it going for everyone.

$5 / month billed monthly

✓ Customize your Letterloop’s delivery time and frequency

✓ Let everyone ask and answer fun & interesting questions

✓ Access unlimited archives of your Letterloop’s historical issues

✓ Reschedule, pause, or extend a Letterloop issue as needed

✓ You’re always in full control of your Letterloop data — no ads, ever
✓ All additional Letterloops you create are included

We never show ads, and we never sell data. Instead, a monthly fee allows us to run our servers and keep Letterloop a private and meaningful place forever.

You can see more about our pricing here: https://www.letterloop.co/pricing

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