Didn't receive our Letterloop Issue or any Letterloop emails

Potential reasons as to why you didn't get your issue

Here are some potential reasons why you did not receive Letterloop emails:

  • Members have duplicate email addresses

    • Please check your Member list and make sure that there are not duplicate emails. If there are, please remove them.

    • If you want to use duplicate emails for different members of the same household/group, you can do this by adding +[name]@gmail.com to accomplish this. For example, if Bob = bob111@gmail.com, Chris = bob111+chris@gmail.com

    • After you resolve this, to resend the issue to your group, tap the ... for each issue and Share with new recipient. Place all your members in and resend.

  • Members have bad email addresses

    • Please check that all email addresses in your Member list are valid email addresses.

    • If you find an invalid email address, go ahead and delete it.

    • After you resolve this, to resend the issue to your group, tap the ... for each issue and Share with new recipient. Place all your members in and resend.

  • Spam

    • It's possible the email went to Spam. Please check.

    • If you find it there, please contact us so we can remove you from our Spam suppression list.

  • Bounce

    • Your email address may have bounced.

    • Please contact us and we can assist further.

  • Wrong Email Address

    • The email you are looking at may not be the right email attached to a Letterloop. Please reach out for further assistance or ask your Admin to check.

I solved the issue, now what?

Resolving the above issues will solve all future delivery issues. You're now good to go!

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